With integrated automatic Mousespot spotlight effect. Scroll by running your finger along the D-pad ring (2nd generation Siri Remote) or a two finger gesture (1st generation Siri Remote). Use the touchpad of the Siri Remote as a trackpad for your Mac. Press the Voice button to switch between the three different touchpad modes: Siri Remotes paired to your Mac can be used with Remote Buddy 2. There are three modes you can use the Siri Remote: Remote Buddy 2.0 is available now with a big list of added features alongside the new Siri Remote support. It also works with YouTube, Netflix, and more in browsers.

From Keynote, Music, Safari, and most of Apple’s other first-party apps to a wide range of third-party software, Remote Buddy offers support for over 100 apps. Remote Buddy offers the ability to use a wide range of external remotes with macOS and the new Siri Remote is the latest to gain support. A new update for the app Remote Buddy does just that, bringing Siri Remote support to the Mac. And with the refreshed design that features a 5-way trackpad/clickpad, the remote could be handy for more than just Apple TV. Screens 4 is also available for iPad for just $19.99.The all-new Siri Remote that launched with the second-gen Apple TV 4K has been a hit. It works with Apple Remote Management but is available for a much cheaper price at $29. If you want to connect from a Mac but don’t want to pay for Apple Remote Desktop, Screens 4 is a nice alternative. This is visible when setting it up to allow remote connections. To connect, simply type in the IP address of your Mac. TightVNC is a free option that is available for Windows and Unix systems and is known to work with the macOS VNC server. There are plenty of VNC clients available for Mac, Windows, and Linux, all of which will let you access your Mac remotely. If you’re administering a large number of Macs, this may be worth it, but it’s overkill for home users. If you want to use Apple Remote Desktop, you’ll need to purchase it for $79 from the App Store.

Despite being an Apple app, this is not included with macOS by default, and it’s far from free.