The club’s own gallery on Schöneberger Ufer acts as a platform for various exhibition formats and discourse events. The Verein Berliner Künstler (VBK) House of Artists – more than a gallery – is a self-governing and independent association of visual artists living and / or working in Berlin. The institution is thereby conceived as a social space that facilitates contemplation and exchange between different protagonists and cultures, consistently challenging its audience. Under the responsibility of director Krist Gruijthuijsen, the current program evolves around the central objective of using the participating artists’ perspective as a starting point, entailing their subjects and points of view as ways to reflect on social and political issues.

As an institution for contemporary art without a collection of its own, the team at KW maintains a high degree of flexibility in creating its programs and addressing its audience. By means of exhibitions and various event formats, KW has aligned itself towards the current tendencies of the national and international art and cultural discourse, and has actively developed them on a collaborative level with artists, institutions, and by means of commissioned works. Since its inception, 25 years ago, KW has established itself, not only as an institution, but also as a dynamic and lively space for progressive practices within the Berlin art scene, as well as in an international context. KW Institute for Contemporary Art aims to approach the central questions of our times through the production, display, and dissemination of contemporary art.